Hygienest Service

Hygiene Service Overview

In construction, strong foundations mean well-supported buildings. In dentistry, similarly, strong gums mean well-supported teeth.  Wellington Dental Practice promotes excellent oral hygiene which is proven to be key in preventing long term problems with your teeth and gums.

As part of our outstanding dental team, our hygienist Michelle Smithers, works together with our dentists offering expert hygiene therapy advice and support to our patients.

hygiene therapy Somerset, Hygienest Service
Michelle Smithers - Hygienist

Our dental hygiene appointments cost £62 for a 25 minute appointment. You will be required to see one of our dentists for a full assessment before booking with our lovely gentle hygienist.

Prevention of tooth decay, gingivitis and gum disease is key to happy dental health. This is why Wellington Dental Practice advise twice yearly hygiene visits. During your visit you will receive tooth scaling to remove plaque, tooth polishing and removal of tartar. You will also be given all the latest advice on maintenance of your oral health at home to keep you motivated.

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